Proposal: increase speed of listing tokens

Proposal Description

Team should be able to list tokens independent if it reaches a certain amount of liquidity.

my suggestions for liquidity would be:

2 Mio ADA liquidity.

Short Summary

with this change of listings token we would maximize the tokens we could use as collateral / borrowing = more levr and short possibilities = protocol gets more used = more fees are generated = in best interest of the DAO


Currently we have to vote in the DAO for any single token to use it as collateral.

This is a very slow process, cause not a lot of DAO members are not willed to set up proposals for a token

cause of this process a lot of tokens which have the most liquidity in cardano are not listed as collateral possibiliy (for example AGIX / NTX / MELD etc.

with this change of listings token we would maximize the tokens we could use as collateral / borrowing = more levr and short possibilities = protocol gets more used = more fees are generated = in best interest of the DAO



even 1 mil Ada == auto add as loan and collateral


Lord no! This will get people rekt!

Minimum 2x what we are talking about here for autolisting, otherwise I think we should continue for sub 4m liquidity approving on a case by case basis.