The following template is merely a guide and might be subject to changes. It outlines the main points required to bootstrap a governance discussion on adding a particular CNT to the Lenfi protocol. Feel free to use the general template for any other proposal/idea you might have.
Proposal: Add [Insert name] token to Lenfi
Proposal Description - 1 sentence/rationale <50 words
We would like to add the [Insert name] token in Lenfi V1 as an asset for lending/borrowing.
Short Summary
Summary about the proposer project/token in 1 paragraph <100 words (include the day of writing)
Give a general overview of the project’s central concept, vision and unique features. What problem does it/the token solve?
3. ### Explain the positioning of the token in the Cardano ecosystem. How will it benefit the protocol?
Explain how the token connects various projects/dApps in the ecosystem and how it can benefit Lenfi. Benefits can be outlined in bullet style.
4. ### What’s the asset’s utility?
Provide a short elaboration on the asset’s primary utilities (could be done in bullet style).
5. ### Token data
This paragraph may include metrics regarding the underlying token, such as:
Emission schedule
Current circulating supply
Exchanges (CEX/DEX)
Other - 24h Volume/TVL, etc.
/Link to:/
- Project
- Whitepaper
- Document portal (GitBook)
- Cardano asset ID
- Audits (if any)
- Communities (Discord, Telegram, Reddit, Governance Forum)