Fee discount for AADA Golden/Silver Ticket holders

I propose a 50% platform fee reduction for holders of Policy ID: 488c2f89fb883cb4703314a40960573225f748a08d4ee5b165d57ef0

And a 25% platform fee reduction for holders of Policy ID:

When these were purchased the NFT told holders “We value you. Keep this ticket for future events” therefore we would like to test how much the LenFi (AADA) team still value the 629 golden ticket holder and the 1,276 silver ticket holders.

Of course this should not be a stackable benefit and whether someone holds 1 or 100 of these the discount should remain the same.

I feel this is a fair benefit while also showing appreciation for early supporters of the project. The reduction also allows the treasury to still gain some revenue from fees from these people.

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

To note, these NFTs were not purchased but were acquired. Excuse the typo.

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Well I voted “yes” because I hold few of these tickets.
But I would wait for v2 whitepaper to decide on the reduction percentages.
Not to downplay use of holding a certain amount of tokens for reduced fees.

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Nothing to stop that being in tandem with this.

Assuming whatever is the largest reduction is what the user gets (so they can’t apply a 50% fee discount from holding the NFT + additional token holder discount combined, just 1 discount and for whatever is highest)

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Great proposal.

VOTED: YES. In my opinion it is a great way to show appreciation for early supporters.


Why make the gold more valuable?

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How about the private sale folks who didn’t just acquire an nft but put at least 5k in cash down well before the golden or silver nfts were even a thing.


That could be another seperate proposal. Totally not against it either.

I’d rather see any split of fees go to token holders rather than nft holders.

This feels a little like government - voting relatively small, instant, benefits to ourselves instead of thinking about the entire project.


As I responded in Telegram this IS NOT to split fee revenue. This is to reduce fee costs to holders only.

This could be diamond holder NFTs. Would be nice to have this on AADA. :fire:


I certainly wouldn’t mind a Diamond Hand AADA/ LENFI NFT for my bragging rights. I love this project.

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