$TITAN $TITAN $TITAN I am so excited for Lenfi utility
would be very good for both projects
This is really a good project.
another strong project to list, enabling the ability to loan/borrow against ones assets creates liquidity for holders. this is a win win and has my vote
Titan gets my vote hands down
$TITAN is the way to go. Please add.
Lenfi + $TITAN = great opportunity
YES! Let’s vote this through!
$TITAN is DePin Tech
Need! A great way to both
Get those votes in everybody!
Really good project. Guys lets get this community in Lenfi
$TITAN This is a great way to ensure that TITAN holders can get the liquidity they need. Having the ability to leverage your holdings, it gives them the ability to hold long term, not having to sell your holdings for Liquid. A win win
Would be a great addition
easy choice to include it
Yes, let´s go. $titan